Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cold link

I've been sick with a bad cold this week, and until my head gradually clears, I'll offer up a good link:
“Courtesy of The New York Public Library.”

NYPL Digital Gallery is a free service from The New York Public Library offering hundreds of thousands of digital images of historical materials from the Research Libraries' original, rare and specialized holdings. NYPL provides free and open access to its Digital Gallery and images may be freely downloaded for personal, research and study purposes only. Spanning a wide range of visual media, NYPL Digital Gallery offers digital images of drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, and more. This website works beautifully, you can search a subject, and when you click on a thumbnail it brings you to a page which gives a larger version of the image (you can sometimes even flip it around and look at the back), a "card catalog" list of info, and the ability to search for more images by the artist, subject, or collection. A great image reference resource.

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