Thursday, May 21, 2009

Biking the Providence river

A while ago I went on a walk along the river and wrote this.
"I crossed the river and walked along the east bank, it was low tide so I could see the bottom of the river, soft with silt and pollution, like the paint that settles at the bottom of my solvent jars. In shallow relief was a bicycle, probably stolen years ago and tossed in the river, now thickly coated in algae, mud and rust. It looked beautiful and mysterious through the 2 feet of river water and I wished I had my camera so I could post a picture."
Well it took awhile for the confluence of low tide, camera, and lunchtime walk, but here is what the river revealed.

I'm gearing up for riding my bike into work soon, now that the Washington Bridge is open to bike traffic again. I'll pack my watercolors into my bike pack for the way home, the view across the river to the industrial waterfront is beautiful, and Queen Ann's Lace and beach roses bloom along the bike path. If I'm lucky they'll be a family of white egrets in the cove....

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