Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Alaska painting

oil/canvas, 30"x40", 2014
My latest Alaska painting, actually begun after my first trip in 2011, but finished with new inspiration from my 2014 residency and my investigations into the structure of ice. (click to enlarge) A more wordy post will come eventually!


  1. You painting is beautiful. The many faceted ice mounds, the still glass like water, and the snow covered mountains...I could feel the cold, desolation, as well as the stark beauty of the scene.

  2. This style is so perfect for rendering the ice in all its complexity that we normally don't see.

  3. Thanks so much for your comments! I'm gratified that you are getting those feeling from my work, I was hoping to get "below the surface" in this piece.


I value your comments, please let me know what you think!