Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mountains to climb

Ahh, the good old days (last week) when I was too busy painting to blog. This week I was too busy to paint. Sometimes it's less frustrating just to give into it and not even try to get into the studio.  But I'm lucky, because what's keeping me busy besides the usual Work and Chores are good things, like my dear father's approaching 80th birthday, hosting a cheering section for 2 brothers who are running a marathon that's going right by my house, and planning for a hike up Mt. Monadnock.

I did these paintings in 1997 from a previous hike up to Monadnock's granite summit. The top one was used as a book cover for The Cambridge Introduction to Sylvia Plath.
I know. Classy. Cambridge and all. I would have been happy to have it used on "Mountain Climbing for Dummies" considering I was contacted out of the blue by the editor who saw it on the internet. I only needed to send a slide and cash the check. I'm getting to like sending these paintings out to earn their living, or at least their rent for the space they take in my studio.

Next week I'll wrestle with the big painting again. Now that it's May, my deadline seems much closer. Until then, I have a mountain to climb.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    I can see why that piece was chosen for a book cover, It gives me a similar feeling as when I look at work by the Canadian group of seven - I want to be up north immediately! Great painting.


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