Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gearing up

Above, a row of colorful sea-kayaks on a perfect July day at the Kayak Center in Wickford. Sure they look innocent enough, even rather pretty. But in the hands of instructors Ken and Becca they are apt to flip completely over, leaving you hanging upside down, still attached by your spray skirt. Thankfully the waters of Wickford Cove are shallow and warm, and the instructors, aside from their teasing, have a great way of talking you through exactly what you need to get back to the surface and back into your kayak. Not that it wasn't still a bit scary, but I figured if I chickened out in the serenity of the cove, how was I going to brave the frigid waters of Prince William Sound when the whale surfaces from underneath me? So I held my breath and said "go", managed to unhook my spray skirt and was up before I knew it. I even managed to "rescue" a classmate. I learned some better paddling technique too, and apart from a teeny bit of terror, had a really good time. 

Then, to complete my Alaskan poser persona, I've acquired THE footwear of the true Alaskan, Xtra Tuff boots. I figure these will be on my feet for 7 days at least, kayaking, hiking, running from bears...they are very cool.

OK, so I've been a little obsessed with planning for this Alaskan adventure. I've put so much thought into making sure I have the right gear for the environment that I have to remind myself to pack some art supplies too. Whatever I do pack will have to be small. How will I capture the immense landscape on a 5x7 "Write-in-the-Rain" sketch pad? Hmmmm


  1. I am living vicariously through you. So exciting. I posted a write up about my last kayak trip here Scroll down to the photo of me sitting under a tarp with hat on and hood up after which is the part about crossing the passage between Wallace Island and Saltspring in a big wind.

  2. This is definitely exciting. Glad you are taking the prep seriously; it's the best way to enjoy the adventure fully. I was wondering about the boots, so I'm happy to see them. The kayak stuff gives me the chills, but apparently it is possible to return to the surface after being turned upside down. At least that's what they say....

    Good dreams and keep up the joy.


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