Monday, March 8, 2010

The Goodyear Welt

 Here's another memento from the shoemaker's shop, a 1945 manual of the Goodyear Welt Sewing Machine.
I love the elegant engraving of the machine, a nice contrast to my own interpretation.

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The weather is getting warm enough to wander outside on my lunch breaks, and last week I stumbled on a couple of good exhibits on College Hill. Both have a good representation of paint on canvas, rather shocking in this day and age.

The first, "Extreme Scale",  is at the Providence Art Club. Among the large pieces is Sue McNally's  "Paradise at Night" which I first bowled me over when I saw it at the Newport Art Museum last June. On the other end of the scale one of my favorites is a beautiful sculptural rendering of a tree trunk in frosted glass and wood by Kat Ely.

Just a few blocks away, The List Gallery at Brown has their Student Exhibtion. Despite the obligatory pile of stuff in the corner and annoying flat-screen TV spewing static, it also has some pretty nice paintings.

The shows will be up for about another week and a half, so if you're in the neighborhood, they're worth a look.

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