Saturday, January 9, 2010


I was curious about the square UPS box on my porch since I didn't remember ordering anything. I opened it to find this really cool mug, made for me personally by the second Artist-in-Residence at Great Sand Dunes National Park, Sally Gierke.
We met when she took my drawing class on the dunes, then we bunked together in the Park apartment on my last night. I was the first time I overlapped with another Artist in Residence, and it was fun comparing notes, as she had also been Artist in Residence in Margo-Gelb on Cape Cod National Seashore. I guess that makes us Dune Buddies.

The next morning I had my first cup of coffee in it. Tasted great.

1 comment:

  1. That mug is a keeper. My own favourite was made for me by a parent who was a potter when I was leaving a school (as a teacher) to go to another. It also has my name on it and the school crest -- done by hand. I have recently started looking into artist residencies in national parks in Canada and will be keeping a close eye on your blog!


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