Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was happy today to open The Providence Journal and find my show got a positive mention in the weekly art review.  Although I work for the paper, that by no means guarantees a review.  In fact, I think it works against me most times. It's hard to maintain that bohemian artist mystique when you're seen every day trudging up the stairs to your cubicle.

It was even more fun to get a phone call from my mom, who lives in Warwick, that the show got a full page color write up in the Warwick Beacon. It's nice to make the folks proud once in a while. And just think, all the neighbors will see it!

I get a kick out of it too, since The Beacon was my first job after I graduated the Swain School of Design.  It wasn't my first newspaper job, which was typing in stories for the RISD Press, but it was where I learned the trade of newspaper design and production.  A lot has changed in that field, but it still provides me a paycheck, and now supports my painting habit.

And unusual for art reviews in this area — the reviews were published before the show is over.  Yea!

The show is up until February 12 at the Bert Gallery in Providence.

• • •

RIP -  J.D. Salinger. His books helped me survive high school.


  1. wow thats great Kathy. I have yet to be reviewed ever. Congrats!

  2. You must have a dearth of critics in your area, I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

  3. Congratulations! Your paintings are well worth a good review.



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