Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chaos Theory

Now that I've sent my painting off to Mesa Verde, I really have no deadline pressure. In some ways it's nice, but in some ways I miss this...

Russia chaos

St. Hugh's chaos

So I guess that's why I pulled apart my studio for a major spring cleaning. It was a good enough substitute for cleaning out the old brain I guess. I pulled everything away from the walls, evicting many species of spiders, but I tried my best not to kill them. (Sorry to the one that I sucked up in the shop vac before I realized what it was. Forgive me spider woman.)

Now I am surrounded by order, and it's a beautiful thing. Time to mess it up again!

I found a great blog ( Out of Character ) to add to my blog list. It's not primarily an art blog, but so funny and real.

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