Monday, May 18, 2009

Studio safety sans sacrifice

As a result of a guilty conscience about my wastebasket full of paint rags and their possible environmental impact, I started reading labels, with the same results I get when reading the fat content of a bag of anything from the candy machine at work. I cleaned up my act.

I quit using W&N Titanium White and started using Weber's Permalba because it had a non-toxic label, but found it had the consistency of Marshmellow Fluff. It also came in a puffy plastic tube, which may be why I found disturbing bits of dried paint when squeezing out the last inch of the tube. I just found a better alternative in Gamblin Titanium White. It has the same consistency as W&N, a sturdy metal tube and a health label I can live with.

Ingestion: No known adverse health effects Skin contact: No know adverse health effects

Not listed as a carcinogen by the NTP, IARC, or OSHA; no adverse long-term effects are known.
No known adverse health affects to linseed oil.

Waste disposal method: Rags and absorbent materials should be immersed in water. Small amounts can be dried and disposed of as ordinary trash.

Respiratory protection: none normally required
Ventilation: none normally required
Protective gloves: none normally required


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