Saturday, January 17, 2009

Screeching towards DC

The more I draw owls, the cooler they seem. All fluff and fierce little faces. Today I drew screech owls. The 2 hour class isn't nearly enough time, I could draw these little guys for a month. Next week though, it's on to barred owls.

After class, Mary and I went to the Liberty Elm Diner to plot our journey to Washington DC for the inauguration. We decided to bag trying to go to the parade since it would mean traveling light enough to pass through the security checkpoints. There's no guarantee that we would even see much if we did make it through the long lines, and since the bus is probably dropping us off far from the Mall we decided to enjoy the luxury of carrying provisions in backpacks while staying outside the security zone. Plus I'm hoping to pick up some cool inauguration swag and I'll need somewhere to stash it!

Other than that our planning consisted of how to stay warm and get enough sleep. Layers, handwarmers, and free museums on the mall will help keep us warm, earplugs and pillows will help on the bus. We are leaving Monday night, riding all night and waking up in Washington at 5am. I expect it will be an exciting day, and then back on the bus by 10pm and in Prov. again at 5am on Wednesday, which will give me just time for a shower and breakfast before I head to work...some of my friends say I'm crazy, all I can say is .... Yes, I am!

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