Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Openings and beyond

The first opening (I suspect that's redundant. Should I call my next opening a Re-Opening?) of my show St. Hugh's Bones was last Saturday, and it went very well. Despite a torrential rain and street flooding the gallery was filled with friends and family. It was actually appropriate to have the storm drains backing up, as the subject of the photographs also being exhibited in the gallery, the Combined Sewer Overflow tunnel, is now open and a big celebration party was also being held that night at another location. All the water that would usually cause the system to back up into the bay during a heavy rain was now diverted into the tunnel until the treatment plant could catch up.

Hopefully the weather will be better for my (re)opening on the 29th, when I will have delivered the remaining paintings from the St. Hugh's Bones series. Until then I am still working on the final big painting. This morning I stopped in my studio before heading to work and couldn't resist taking off my gloves and painting out an errant cloud, trying to keep paint off my coat. Hopefully I'll wrap it up this weekend.

The gallery is also opening this Thursday for Gallery Night Providence.

As I mull over what direction I am going to head in after the machine series I'm getting inspiration from two fabulous painters, Sue McNally and Gregory Amenoff. I had seen the work of Amenoff for many years and always have felt the pull of it. I recently have been exploring his website. Very cool stuff.

I discovered McNally's work last year when I went to a one-night exhibit at Castle Hill in Newport. Her work is large and the room was packed, but I squirmed my way through the crowd many times to see the work. I missed her show this year because I was so frantic about getting mine delivered on time, but I'll have to be satisfied with visiting her excellent website.

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