Thursday, September 4, 2008

Does outrage make for better painting?

If not, I should probably turn off the radio...

This is the first painting I did for the series I am going to exhibit in November. Hopefully I am working on the last now, although I'm tempted to try a few more if time permits...which of course it won't!

Tonight I'm taking a break, instead of staying up late painting and torturing myself listening to McCain's acceptance speech, I'm going to grab a drink with a friend at the local watefront watering hole, right next to these guys, Reliant and Resolute (painted in 1988).

I need a drink after the Huckabee act...
"Barack Obama's excellent adventure to Europe took his campaign for change to hundreds of thousands of people who don't even vote or pay taxes here. It's not what he took there that concerns me. It's what he brought back. Lots of ideas from Europe he'd like to see imported here."
OOh, scary Europe, best to stay home where it's safe...

(sorry to get political, it takes a lot to get me to sound off! Here's some comic relief to make up for it -- McCain's Voice Mail to Palin Leaked to Press (Listen))

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