Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The best day in DC in a long time....


I returned from the Inauguration at 6:30 this morning when our shabby tour bus pulled into Providence. Lying in wait were camera crews from 2 local TV stations following up on their "Rhode Islanders travel to DC" theme. One had cornered me on the departure, but there was no way I was now going to be photographed or quoted after almost 35 hours of walking in the cold and sleeping in the bus, without a decent bathroom even to wash my face in the whole time. So I slipped around the front of the bus, drove home to shower and change, then back to the city to be at my desk at 8:30.

So I'm not going to post a very coherent impression of the inauguration today, but will soon, along with a video of the movement of masses towards the Mall. (See the aerial view above.) All those people! All happy! What a world!

Sleep tight, America.

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